Completed Fic of the Week: 9/19/11

September 21, 2011

Land In My Arms by luckyirishtart
Review by AnonymouslySufferingFromOCD

Rating: M
Genre: Romance/Drama
Characters: Edward & Bella

Summary: A pilot, a flight attendant, a bond with unconventional origins. When the thing you're not supposed to feel is inevitable, what delays would you fight against to make your connection? AH, E/B 

Imagine Edward Cullen as a very sexy commercial airlines pilot all dressed in that awesome uniform. Oh and then add in that he is also an Air Force reserve pilot–oh, him in a flight suit. It is almost too much to handle, but it is exactly what you will get when you read Land In My Arms.

Bella Swan is a History major, not quite ready to settle into a teaching role, when she decides to become a flight attendant and see a bit more of the world first. After trying to date a very slimy pilot, Mike Newton, early on in her career, she has sworn off dating all pilots. That is until the day she takes a flight to Hawaii, and meets a very sexy Edward Cullen.

Edward and Bella have an instant connection, as they always do, and after spending a not quite lemony night together they go there separate ways. A few weeks later when they see each other in passing at another airport they agree to meet later in the week to talk and get to know one another better.

As I said earlier, Edward Cullen is a sexy pilot both for a commercial airline and the Air Force Reserves. He is a bit of a rebel, as he has some tats and piercings that are easily covered by his uniforms. He comes for a predominant family in Chicago and has many friends all across the country.

Their initial “date” is great but Edward has just gotten out of a relationship and Bella is working full time, while attending grad school, so she doesn’t have a whole lot of time. Edward suggests that they continue getting to know one another, and meet up when they can but only as friends. Don’t worry though, our Edward isn’t a player.

He paused for a moment, looking out at the ocean. "Well, until recently I had been dating someone on and off, but it started to get really complicated. High expectations from both our families. I don't know... I think at this point in my life I prefer to keep things casual." 

Inside, I was a little disappointed. Maybe a lot disappointed. I'd had a really nice time with him well as the time in Hawaii, which was simply mind-blowing. But it didn't seem as if he was looking for much more than a no-strings-attached relationship. I wasn't sure what to think about that, or if that meant that...whatever this thing was between us was more than I was hoping it could be. 

But, then again, that could be fun, too... 

"I get that." I understood. A guy like him who had everything going for him, and was active and committed to his career, wouldn't want to get attached. But I was also omitting a significant portion of the truth—how could I not want to be with someone like Edward? 

I needed some kind of tangible label for this. I looked over at him and said, "So," I waved my hand back and forth between us, smiling. "What's this?" 

He stopped. He grinned back at me, making my insides go warm. He pursed his lips, furrowed his brow and looked pensive for a moment. Then with the most beautiful and conflicted face, he said, "Friends? But good friends. Where I have license to hang out with you whenever I want." 

"Whenever you want?" I said laughing. A little part of me went gooey inside and I didn't think my face could contain my smile. Put on your big girls panties and go with it. "That's cool." 

It doesn’t take long for their “friends” relationship to turn into a “friends with benefits” relationship. Of course Bella’s feelings are much more than that, but she is willing to take what she can get for as long as she can. Unbeknownst to her, Edward may just be feeling the same way.

This story has it all, there is quite a bit of humor, especially when Emmett tries to fix his good friend Edward up with Rosalie’s best friend Bella.

Emmett was making introductions, I think, but I couldn't hear a thing. My mouth popped open and before I could say a word his gorgeous friend grinned widely. Stepping forward, he cupped my face in his hands and laid a kiss on me that would have made any girl swoon. 

The kiss was initially hard, all fast and full of tongue. I couldn't even begin to regret my reaction. Lifting my hands to his neck, I gripped at the buttery soft cotton of his t-shirt, melting into his lips just as easily. The kiss slowed, smoothing into a full-blown make out session. 

If not for the hoots and hollers of the patrons around us, I could have easily kept going, public place be damned. 

As we broke apart, he looked into my eyes with this big grin on his face. I was stunned, but pleased nonetheless. 

Hello, hot lips. 

And then I remembered myself. Breaking away sheepishly, I glanced around and right into my friends stunned faces. Rose, who I didn't think had ever been at a loss for words, looked like a fish gasping for air. 

Emmett let out a huge guffaw. "See, Rose! I told you. Didn't I tell you? You totally owe me five bucks." 

Luckyirishtart does a great job of keeping us interested throughout the entire story. There is some drama, actually a little bit more than I was expecting, but I wouldn’t classify it by any means as angst. We get a little bit of everything with this one, plus we get it all while traveling to some really cool cities. The story itself is completed at twenty chapters and about one hundred thousand words, I think that this one is a great read and I think you will too.


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