WIP of the Week: 5/16 - 5/22

May 16, 2011

Going Under for the Third Time by busymommy
Review by Agrutle

Rating: M
Genre: Angst/Romance
Characters: Jasper/Bella

Summary: Jasper is a surf bum trying to escape his past, Bella is a graduate student trying to find her future. Will a chance meeting during a surf tournament pull them under for the last time? AH/AU/non-Canon/ rated M for lemons, language, themes

Starting this story I almost instantly fell for this Jasper. He is a surfer, swoon!! Now, he’s not without his demons but he is laid back and easy going. Emmett is his best friend and they travel all around with the surfing circuit. Jasper has decided that he is going to go back to school in Virginia. While there we meet Edward, Emmett’s cousin, who recently became a professor at the same school Jasper is enrolled in to attend. Together the boys find a house to live in and become roommates and eventually friends.


The fire burned out of control. The little red convertible was enveloped in flames and the firemen's efforts were ineffective. I tried to move closer, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. The heat from the fire hung in the air, as stifling as the billowing smoke that choked out the light from the moon. The flames grew higher, licking at the drought-dry trees that the car had careened into. A second fire hose was directed at the dried grass and timber, in an effort to prevent the wildfire that was building. I screamed her name, over and over, as the police officers tried to convince my mind what my heart already knew. Maria was gone and I had killed her.

Jasper is plagued by nightmares, as he tries to start a normal life. School, friends, but all of that doesn’t leave room for a girlfriend, right? Meeting Bella has made him rethink all of that. When he meets her he doesn’t know what to say so he does nothing. He thinks he has blown his chance, but being attacked by another surfer with a grudge causes him to see that she does have feelings for him, and they act on it.

Unable to help myself, I leaned down and brushed a light kiss across her lips. "Good morning, beautiful." I whispered against them.

"It wasn't a dream brought on by too much alcohol, was it?' she asked, her eyelids drifting shut again as she placed a hand over her mouth to hide a yawn.

Chuckling, I brushed her sleep-tousled hair away from her face. "Depends on what you remember."

"I…" she began, sliding up to lean closer, "remember…" she placed a hand on my cheek and one on the sofa arm to brace herself, "this." And she pressed her lips to mine, nipping my bottom lip and opening to my tongue as I teased across the bow in her top lip. Deepening the kiss, I pulled her closer, but winced again at the pain that shot through my body. Feeling my body tense up, Bella reluctantly pulled away.

After all that he is feeling he knows it’s too much for him to handle. He wants to get better and with the help of his new friends and Bella, I hope he can do it. This author has a great way of explaining the surroundings so that you can see it all in your mind like a movie playing. We have only hit the tip of the iceberg on this story and I know that there is so much more to come. Come get in the water while it’s warm. I’m sure Surfersper will welcome you with open arms; maybe even take you for a ride on his surfboard.


  1. Anonymous said...:

    WOW! Thanks so much for the love, Agrutle and TwiFicPimps!

  1. Anonymous said...:
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