Summary: Rockstar Edward Cullen is going to Forks for much needed R&R with family and friends. He didn't expect to find old flame Bella Swan dealing with an abusive husband. Can he put his bruised ego aside to be there for Bella, risking his heart to her again?
There are many different types of stories in the Twilight fandom, some funny and lighthearted, some dark and scary, and some, like the fic I am reviewing today, deal with serious real life issues in an insightful way. Awakening by bbwraven is a great example of this type of story.
Bbwraven does an amazing job weaving the tale of pain and heartache linked to the survivors of domestic abuse in this tale of a worn and broken Bella who keeps returning to her dangerously abusive husband, James Ramsey, time and time again after horribly painful injuries at his hands. Dr. Cullen is an ER physician who has taken a serious interest in Bella. He wants to help, but his hands are tied.
When Dr. Cullen’s kids, who work together in the band Cullen, front lined by Edward, come home for a hiatus after a very long tour, worlds collide once more as former flame Edward discovers what happened after he left. As the story continues, showing the painful path Bella takes through the process of choosing to leave and recovering from not only her physical, but also her emotional wounds, both parties discover the deceit that not only kept them apart, but also kept Bella trapped and feeling obligated to the Ramsey family as she endured the abuses heaped upon her.
This work in progress is poignant, real, and heartfelt, leaving us all anxiously awaiting Bella’s final ties to the Ramsey family be severed and for her relationship with Edward to continue to progress. I highly recommend you take some time to read and enjoy, not only Edward and Bella, but also another fun, brotherly Emmett, a always awesome Jasper, and a vibrant, but frustrated with the pixie stereotype Alice, as they all help Bella heal and move on to a better life, free of the abuse and pain she had continually endured over the past four years.
There are many different types of stories in the Twilight fandom, some funny and lighthearted, some dark and scary, and some, like the fic I am reviewing today, deal with serious real life issues in an insightful way. Awakening by bbwraven is a great example of this type of story.
Bbwraven does an amazing job weaving the tale of pain and heartache linked to the survivors of domestic abuse in this tale of a worn and broken Bella who keeps returning to her dangerously abusive husband, James Ramsey, time and time again after horribly painful injuries at his hands. Dr. Cullen is an ER physician who has taken a serious interest in Bella. He wants to help, but his hands are tied.
When Dr. Cullen’s kids, who work together in the band Cullen, front lined by Edward, come home for a hiatus after a very long tour, worlds collide once more as former flame Edward discovers what happened after he left. As the story continues, showing the painful path Bella takes through the process of choosing to leave and recovering from not only her physical, but also her emotional wounds, both parties discover the deceit that not only kept them apart, but also kept Bella trapped and feeling obligated to the Ramsey family as she endured the abuses heaped upon her.
This work in progress is poignant, real, and heartfelt, leaving us all anxiously awaiting Bella’s final ties to the Ramsey family be severed and for her relationship with Edward to continue to progress. I highly recommend you take some time to read and enjoy, not only Edward and Bella, but also another fun, brotherly Emmett, a always awesome Jasper, and a vibrant, but frustrated with the pixie stereotype Alice, as they all help Bella heal and move on to a better life, free of the abuse and pain she had continually endured over the past four years.
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